
Networking events
made less awkward.

We are JamSocial, and we make networking events less awkward for people.

For People:

Meet 5 new people at a local coffee shop—Join waitlist

For Hosts:

Use Jam Bingo (networking ice-breaker game) For Your Event

Jam Bingo—Try Demo

Jam Bingo—Watch How It Works

For Hosts:

Hosting a networking event.

Hosting a social gathering.

Hosting a party.

Hosting a workshop.

Hosting a wedding.

Hosting a speed date.

Hosting a speed networking.

Hosting a meetup.

Hosting an event on Eventbrite.

Hosting a group.

Hosting a conference.

For All Hosts.

How we help Hosts:

  1. We provide Jam Bingo for your event (networking ice-breaker game to help attendees connect).

What is Jam Bingo?

Looking for an Ice-breaker to help your attendees connect?

Use Jam Bingo | How it works?
Jam Bingo is a fun networking bingo icebreaker app🎉
When attendees arrive at your event, they'll scan the Jam Bingo QR code to join the game (with their phone camera). Once they're in, they will receive unique prompts like:
  1. Find someone wearing the same shirt colour as you.
  2. Find someone who has listened to a song by your favourite artist.
Attendees then mingle, approaching others to complete their prompts. Once they find a match, they'll scan each other's QR code to swap contact info and unlock the next prompt. The first attendee to complete all their prompts wins 🎉

Use Jam Bingo (networking ice-breaker) For Your Event

For People:

People looking to meet new people their age.

People looking to make new friends.

People new in the city.

People who WFH and need social connection.

People tired of all the apps.

International students or newly immigrated.

People who want authentic connections.

People who've asked "how do I meet new people my age?".

For All People.

How we help People:

  1. Meet 5 new people who share your interests at a local coffee shop.

Join Waitlist | The Jam Social

Meet people your age, with similar interests at local coffee shops.
How it works?
  1. Search interests.
  2. RSVP.
  3. Commute to the local coffee shop.
  4. Meet your group of 5.
  5. Connect with the people in your group with our in-app icebreaker.

Meet 5 new people at a local coffee shop—Join waitlist


You attended an event using JamSocial🎉

"This is the most fun I have had at an event."—Chris
"Jam is so simple to use. I was expecting it to be clunky."—Heather


What are JamSocial events like?
JamSocial events are a unique experience where you (introverted or extroverted) can interact with others, and make new friends.

What is Jam Bingo?
Jam Bingo is a digitized version of the old school networking icebreaker bingo card game!
When you arrive at the event, you'll scan the Jam Bingo QR code to join the game (with their phone camera) and receive unique prompts like:
  1. Find someone wearing the same shirt colour as you.
  2. Ask someone a piece of advice they would give to their younger self.
You get to walk around the room, approaching anyone trying to complete your prompts. Once you find someone who matches your prompt, you can scan their QR code to exchange contact information and unlock the next prompt.

Create a Jam Bingo For Your Event.

Watch an example of Jam Bingo at an event.

Why Jam Bingo?

Attending events is key for making new friends, meeting new people, socializing, expanding personal and professional network.

Often times when we attend events, we hang near to the people we already know, and it often feels like there's a wall preventing us from approaching new people.

We've gasified networking—making it easier to meet new people and make new friends.

Jam Bingo | Ready to Play?

This game of Jam Bingo has 0 prompts.
